Kalk Lime Products

The natural raw material lime has accompanied humanity for millennia. Whether as fertilizer, building material or mortar, in fired or unfired form – this fossil raw material is widely used. As long ago as during the construction of the Pyramids, the Great Wall of China, or Roman amphitheaters, limestone and lime products were used in large quantities. Today, there is scarcely an industry that does not use lime or lime products.

Figures, Data, Facts

At its headquarters in Azendorf, district of Kulmbach (Upper Franconia), the company has the largest dry mortar plant in Germany;  with its locations in Bavaria, Saxony, Thuringia, and the Czech Republic, the company holds a leading position on the market for the supply of lime products.


Important key facts: Overview:

Headquarter:  Azendorf
Plants: 9 total
Silo technology: > 4.500
Logistics: > 60 vehicles
Production: > 3.500 tons per day
Employees: > 850
Sales:  > 190 million euros